12 Ratings
General Articles Power Plate breaks records - 15,000 participants

Attention and new prospective customers for studio operators through the Power Plate end customer campaign from February to April.

25 June 2015

General Articles Professionalism meets New Media

myFitApp, Motion-One & easySolution GmbH – these partners host two quality days together.

24 June 2015

General Articles

Bodystreet strengthens cooperation - employees from the franchise headquarters work in the franchise partners' studios

24 June 2015

General Articles EMS training: the dose makes the poison!

EMS is highly efficient, but it absolutely belongs in trained hands. There is a high risk of overexertion.

21 May 2015

General Articles The top fitness trends 2015

Spring is here, the sports season has begun and FIBO 2015 revealed some new trends in April. Here are the top fitness trends of the year, which optimally combine fun and sport:

5 May 2015

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General Articles egg.de becomes foodspring

The Berlin based startup egg.de, which was founded in 2013 and specializes in the production of organic protein powder, has changed its name to foodspring.

19 May 2016