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Legal Advice Recording working time: requirements and upcoming innovations

In a landmark ruling on the recording of working hours, the Federal Labor Court has decided that employers are obliged to introduce a working time recording system.

26 September 2023

Legal Advice Legal crisis management for fitness studios with rising costs

The effects of rising energy costs and general price increases are being felt more and more by operators of fitness and health facilities.

25 July 2023

Legal Advice Google reviews, advertising & Co - What you need to consider

Did you know that you are breaking the law if you link the question for a rating with a gift or sweepstakes? We explain how you can advertise your studio in a legally secure way and what you have to consider!

12 April 2023

Legal Advice Data protection in the gym - more than a document on the website

With regard to data protection, a distinction must be made between the "Privacy Policy for Visiting the Studio Website" and the "Privacy Information on Processing Member Data During Membership".

8 March 2023

Legal Advice Video surveillance in the gym - what you need to consider

It is possible to install video cameras in the gym, but there are some legal things to consider. Here you can find out how to proceed with video surveillance in your gym.

8 February 2023

Legal Advice Increase gym fees, this is how`s

From a legal point of view, it is not very easy to implement a premium increase. The requirements that must be met and the maximum amount that may be increased are precisely regulated.

18 January 2023

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