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Tips for Training with Equipment Isometric and plyometric training: the perfect combination for athletes?

Konstantin Stamm explains how isometric training and plyometric training in combination can be beneficial for training athletes.

2 August 2023

Tips for Training with Equipment Stress reduction, increase of body awareness and mental relaxation: Allrounder Pilates

The gentle strength training targets the deep muscles and strengthens, stabilizes and moves! Stefanie Rahn tells us how beginners can access the trend and which mistakes they should avoid at all costs.

24 July 2023

Tips for Training with Equipment The Gender Health Gap: Why Women Should Exercise Differently Than Men

In medicine and science, little attention has been paid to the female anatomy. However, it is essential to know the differences between the sexes in order to optimally address their needs during training.

28 June 2023

Tips for Training with Equipment What are the training options and benefits of VersaClimber and VersaPulley?

VersaClimber is widely regarded as the world's leading cardio and strength equipment. Climbing uses more muscle groups than any other activity. Learn everything you need to know about the workout here!

14 April 2023

Tips for Training with Equipment Row Your Way to Health: The Surprising Benefits of Indoor Rowing

Explore the surprising benefits of indoor rowing and how this workout can help you row your way to better health!

5 April 2023

Tips for Training with Equipment Set realistic goals

If you haven't used their erg for months or even years, set your expectations based on where you are now and work on making easy progress.

3 March 2023

Tips for Training with Equipment The most important training principles for muscle and mass building

It also makes sense to supply carbohydrates before and/or during training in order to have sufficient energy at all for the required high-intensity exertion.

12 August 2022

Tips for Training with Equipment The best tips to lose body fat

Basically, there are two ways to reduce weight and body fat: 1. increase calorie consumption through additional physical activity. and 2. minimize calorie intake.

5 August 2022

Tips for Training with Equipment What is creatine and how does it work in the body?

Creatine is a nitrogen compound produced in the kidney and liver from the amino acids glycine, arginine and methionine. However, it is also absorbed through food via fish or meat.

29 July 2022

Tips for Training with Equipment Creatine for performance enhancement and muscle building

Creatine has been shown to increase physical performance during short-term, intense physical exertion, and accordingly in sports involving such forms of exertion.

22 July 2022

Tips for Training with Equipment BCAA: More load, less fatigue

BCAAs play an important role in the sports nutrition of strength athletes but also endurance athletes, because they can also counteract the central fatigue in the body under stress

15 July 2022

Tips for Training with Equipment What are ergometers? How do I exercise? Basic mistakes

An ergometer is a state-of-the-art piece that can be found in almost all global brands producing sports equipment. It is a versatile device that allows you to achieve various goals in a short time.

13 July 2022

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