SKILLCOURT® and Polar to work together in future

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The SKILLCOURT® has undergone continuous development in recent years and months and has been integrated into the processes of numerous national and international physiotherapy and fitness facilities as well as professional clubs. In the course of the latest test, the Endurance Run, the integration of heart rate measurement by Polar was finalized.

SKILLCOURT® und Polar arbeiten in Zukunft zusammen

For Marcel Grünewald, Co-Founder and Managing Director at SKILLCOURT®, the integration of Polar is the next logical step in product development: "Heart rate measurement during training offers several advantages and can help to make training more effective and safer. After numerous discussions with SKILLCOURT® partners from the DACH region, but also from the USA, the observation of intensity during training and recovery monitoring between sessions were a decisive factor for implementation. I am therefore delighted that we have found a partner in Polar that can offer our customers in Germany and internationally a wide range of devices and provide us with a wealth of data from the products."

Michael Banderenko, B2B Coordinator at Polar, is looking forward to further cooperation and upcoming projects: "The success of SKILLCOURT® is unstoppable. For some time now, we have been working together to make it possible to measure the exertion of exercisers on the SKILLCOURT®. As a pioneer in heart rate analysis, Polar will integrate further body data into the SKILLCOURT® in the future. We look forward to providing all users with valuable additional information for even more efficient training. Many thanks to the entire SKILLCOURT® team for the trustful cooperation - we are sure to make some hearts beat faster".

Editorial team

Source and image source: SKILLCOURT GmbH

Published on: 2 August 2024

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