Outdoor training: advantages for studio operators and users

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Outdoor training has become an integral part of many fitness programs in recent years. The fresh air, natural surroundings and versatile training options make it an attractive alternative or supplement to indoor training. In this article, we look at why studio operators should focus on outdoor training, what training options are available and what the benefits are for both the trainees and the studios themselves.

Outdoor-Training: Vorteile für Studiobetreiber und Trainierende

Why outdoor training?

The coronavirus pandemic has shown how important flexibility is in the fitness sector. Many studios had to close or adapt their offering due to restrictions. Outdoor training offers an excellent opportunity to meet these challenges and appeal to new target groups at the same time. But even beyond pandemic-related restrictions, outdoor training offers numerous advantages that make it attractive.

Benefits of outdoor training for exercisers

Fresh air and improved well-being: Exercising outdoors allows exercisers to breathe fresh air and enjoy nature. Sunlight promotes vitamin D production, which strengthens the immune system and increases well-being.

Stress reduction: The natural environment with its sounds and visual stimuli has a relaxing and stress-reducing effect. The perception of plants, animals and watercourses can lift the mood and promote mental health.

Improved physical abilities: Exercising on different ground textures improves sensorimotor skills, balance and joint stability. This can reduce the risk of injury and improve overall fitness.

Variety and fun: Outdoor training offers a welcome change from training in the gym. The wide range of training options ensures that boredom is a thing of the past and training is particularly relaxing.

Outdoor training options

Outdoor training can include almost all forms of indoor training and is even enhanced by the possibilities outdoors. Here are a few examples:

Classic outdoor fitness equipment training: Stationary equipment such as pull-up bars, dip bars and leg presses can be installed outdoors.

Functional training with small equipment: Kettlebells, medicine balls, TRX bands and resistance bands are ideal for varied and effective outdoor workouts.

Movement course: Jumping, climbing, balancing on floor trampolines, bouldering walls or fitness slacklines challenges the whole body and is fun.

Outdoor courses: HIIT, interval training, yoga or boot camps - many course formats can easily be moved outdoors and offer participants a unique experience.

Group training: Small group training outdoors promotes social interaction and team spirit. Introductory courses and temporary supervision by trainers help to establish the new form of training.

Advantages for studio operators

Differentiation from the competition: With outdoor training, studios can set themselves apart from other providers and create a unique selling point. Special courses such as pregnancy fitness or a "booty day" can be advertised in a targeted manner.

Customer loyalty: Outdoor courses and training areas strengthen member loyalty to the studio. Satisfied exercisers recommend the studio to others and are happy to return.

Expansion of target groups: Outdoor training can also appeal to people who were previously skeptical about indoor training. This opens up new revenue opportunities and expands the membership base.

Flexibility and additional income: Outdoor training offers allow for flexible payment models. In addition to traditional monthly subscriptions, flat rates per use, ten-user cards or separate membership fees can be offered for the outdoor offer.

Equalization of the training area: Moving training offers outdoors relieves the pressure on indoor areas. This creates space and allows new members to join without space bottlenecks.

Implementation and investment

Although the construction of outdoor training areas requires investment, it offers long-term economic benefits. Well thought-out planning is important in order to successfully integrate the new offerings. Introductory courses, regular trainer support and the right marketing are crucial to get members excited about outdoor training.

Editorial team fitnessmarkt.de

Image source: #174211579 Vasyl / stock.adobe.com

Published on: 16 August 2024

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