The leg extension: These are the most common training mistakes

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Muscular, well-trained legs are a visual highlight and the dream of many athletes. However, 34% of all women and 10.5% of all men are dissatisfied with their legs. Training with the leg stretcher is popular because with this device you not only train your muscles for a tight, muscular butt and defined, slim thighs but also achieve a better posture and actively counteract cellulite. For a really effective workout, it is recommended to actively include other training equipment in your training plan in addition to the leg extension. How to avoid mistakes with the leg extension and how to get the most out of your workout you can find out here.

Which muscles are trained with the leg extension?

The leg extension primarily targets the anterior thigh muscles in the form of the quadriceps femoris muscle. The quadriceps is the muscle with the largest muscle mass in the body. It consists of four muscle heads: the straight thigh muscle (Musculus rectus femoris), the inner th igh muscle (Musculus vastus medialis), the middle th igh muscle (Musculus vastus intermedius) and the outer thigh muscle (Musculus vastus lateralis). You need the anterior thigh muscles above all for knee extension, i.e. for movements such as running or jumping. In addition, the quadriceps, with the help of the straight thigh muscle, is responsible for flexion, i.e. the bending of the hip joint, which plays a major role for movements without a flight phase, i.e. walking.

Tips for training with a leg extension

What are the risks of training with a leg extension?

Sports scientists, physiotherapists and even fitness experts fear that the risk of injury to the knee joints with the leg extension is too great. If you still want to train on this strength equipment, you should have a trainer guide you during the exercise and especially not do the exercise without a trainer for the first few training sessions. This is because the trainer is able to point out mistakes and thus minimize the risk of injury. Only if you train correctly on the leg extension, you can prevent a knee injury. It is better not to opt for the leg extension at the very beginning of your strength training career.

What are the most common mistakes when training with the leg extension?

The most common mistakes made when performing exercises on the leg extension is an incorrect seated position and that coupled with an incorrect knee position . This brings with it an increased risk of injury. During the exercise, the knee joints should always be at the same height as the pivot joint of the leg extension. In addition, it should be avoided that the foot roll pad is too low, because in this case you have to press up with the back of your foot and this can also lead to injuries. If all this is taken into account, then you can also train effectively on the leg extension and, above all, avoid injuries.

How to train properly with the leg extension?

In order to train effectively on the leg extension, it is important that you assume the correct starting position. To do this, sit on the seat cushion and then slide your buttocks to the end of the cushion so that your tailbone rests against the back cushion. The knee joints should be in line with the pivot joints of the leg extension, as this is the only way to prevent knee joint injuries. If the knees are too close to the seat cushion or higher than the swivel joints, the risk of injury increases! In addition, special attention should also be paid to the appropriate adjustment of the backrest and the seat. If you are not sure, it is best to ask the trainer so that he or she can adjust the settings if necessary. The foot roll pad should be at the level of the shins or ankles when performing the exercise and never at the level of the tops of the feet. If there are grips on the sides, hold on to them for more stability during the exercise.

Furthermore, one should pay attention to the following:

  • The upper body should be upright against the back pad.
  • The lower back should form a hollow back.
  • The abdominal muscles should be tensed
  • The toes of the feet are pointed forward and pulled upwards.

How is the leg extension exercise performed correctly?

On the exhale, begin the first phase of the exercise by extending the lower leg through from flexion. The final position is reached when the legs are parallel to the floor, always keeping a small bend in the knees to avoid injury. Then slowly lower the lower leg again, whereby one is in the classical exercise execution with the leg stretcher then again completely down in the starting position. If you want to protect your joints, then the legs are only lowered a maximum of 30 degrees. Breathe in while lowering the legs.

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Image Credit: #63664535 aarstudio AdobeStock

Published on: 12 May 2015

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