How to train properly with a scott curl bench? Tips for training with Scott curl benches.

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Scott curl bench workout is designed to isolate the biceps and strengthen them. This training device was named after Larry Scott, an important bodybuilder who was known for his biceps and developed a special training program for it. Scott curl bench has a padded and angled support for the arms, so that the elbows and back are relieved during training. For the efficiency of training with Scott curl bench, it is important that the training device is properly adjusted. The arm rest should be adjustable in height. Indispensable accessory when training with Scott curl bench is the barbell, for which there are shelves. SZ bars, super SZ bars and barbell bars are suitable for training. As the workout progresses, use heavier and heavier weights for the dumbbell bars. As an alternative to barbell or SZ bar, you can use a dumbbell to train each biceps individually when training with Scott curl bench.

Introduction to training with Scott curl bench
If you want to start training with Scott curl bench first, SZ bar is preferable to barbell because it allows a more favorable hand position and relieves the wrists. When training with SZ bar or barbell bar, arm flexors and biceps muscles of both arms are worked simultaneously. In order to train correctly from the beginning, it is important to have the correct basic posture when training with Scott curl bench. You sit on the seat cushion and position your legs firmly on the floor. Your upper and lower legs should form a right angle to each other. Press your upper body against the cushion of the Scott curl bench. If there is no such pad, press your chest against the top edge of the arm pad, which is tilted forward. Rest your upper arms on the arm pad. Make sure the upper body is upright and the back is slightly hollow. Grasp the SZ bar in an underhand grip on the inside bend. When beginning a Scott curl bench workout, have a workout partner hand you the SZ bar, as this is easier than gripping the bar yourself. The arms should never be fully extended, as this protects the elbow joints.

Performing the workout with Scott curl bench
Once you have adopted your basic posture on the Scott curl bench, it's time for the correct execution. As you exhale, bend your forearms over the elbow joint toward your chest until the SZ or barbell bar is at chin or neck level. Slowly lower the SZ bar or barbell bar back forward, maintaining the small bend at the elbows. Repeat this exercise several times. When training with scott curl bench, the muscles are very high due to the inclined arm pads. Before you approach the workout, to avoid injury, you should warm up your target muscles well. You can vary the grip position when training with Scott curl bench by grasping the barbell bar or SZ bar in an overhand grip. In this way you train not only the biceps, but also the upper arm muscles. When training with Scott curl bench with dumbbell, you train in the same way. You adopt the same posture as with barbell or SZ bar, but you train only one arm. Later, switch to train the other arm.

Avoid common mistakes
To ensure that you train properly with the Scott curl bench from the start, it is important to avoid making mistakes in the first place. As your training with Scott curl bench progresses, mistakes are difficult to recover from. You should especially

  • not use the shoulder muscles for assistance
  • Do not move upper arms, shoulders and upper body
  • always bend elbows towards the upper body
  • move only the forearms.

For a proper workout with Scott curl bench, your elbows should always rest on the arm pad. Shoulders, elbows and wrists should form a line, while wrists are always kept straight during Scott curl bench workout. In the final position with bent arms, you should always tighten the biceps muscles for a better training effect.

Click here to see the Scott curl benches on offer and tips on buying them at

Published on: 16 October 2014

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