FIBO 2015: The new generation of Magicline

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The new Magicline is internet- and multi-device-capable, more flexible and offers a simple, convenient and clear solution for managing several studios simultaneously.

The first version of the new generation of Magicline will be presented just in time for FIBO 2015. The new Magicline is internet- and multi-device-capable, i.e. it can be used in all functions via various end devices. This means that studio operators have access to all studio data at all times - regardless of where they are and which device or operating system they are using. All they need is Internet access. The new MagicLine is also more flexible and offers a particularly simple, convenient and clear solution for managing several studios at the same time.

Hall 8, Stand B30

Source: F&G

Published on: 1 April 2015

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