Diawell quick-loaded strength training equipment series

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tonusTonus – As an additional strength training equipment series, the TONUS sports & reha GmbH sells a series of plate-loaded machines that is equipped with the practical “quick-loaded system”.

The Diawell quick-loaded training machines simulate training on free weights and optimize the performance in all exercises without losing comfort in training. Diawell quick-loaded strength training machines stands out due to its easy handling, solid design an long lasting at nearly no need of maintenance. All machines can be used with individually selectable weight plates and can therefore be used by persons of all training levels. It offers workout considering ergonomic and biomechanical aspects. Now new at TONUS and offered also with an appealing offer for leasing or financing.


Source: F&G

Further gym equipment for strength training is also available on fitnessmarkt.com!

Published on: 1 June 2015

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