Buy and sell all kinds of used high-quality abdominal strength training equipment

Training with abdominal strength training equipment very appropriate for strengthening of the abdominal muscles. Especially for athletes and bodybuilders the training of this group of muscles is an important part of their workout. Furthermore many hobby sportsmen don’t want to miss an attractive abdominal. There are specific fitness machines for the different groups of muscles e.g. abdominal crunch machines, rotary press for trunk and lateral abdominal muscles or muscle bench for free training.
New or used abdominal muscle bench
This kind of machine benches belongs to the standard equipment in gyms. They can be used for different kinds of crunches on a base which is easy on the back. There are new and used benches in various versions, but professional machines normally have a special high-quality padding.
New or used abdominal crunch machine
The athlete sits in the machine which highly stabilizes his whole body through a back rest and leg padding. Doing exercises on a new or used abdominal crunch machine can prevent from joint problems at the spine. Selective training can improve the posture of the whole body.
New or used rowing torso machine
A new or used rotary press or rowing torso machine trains especially the oblique abdominal muscles, the lower back and the trunk muscles. The athlete sits in the rowing torso machine which can prevent from joint problems at the spine.
Buy new and used abdominal strength training equipment
Are you opening a gym or decided to do your workout at home? Then you are right on! If you are interested in new or used abdominal strength training equipment, you can easily find a suitable machine by using several search criteria. The radius search enables a local search in the chosen area and shows the distance to the item location.
Sell new or used abdominal strength training equipment in a few steps
On, the marketplace for new and used fitness equipment, you can create an ad in just a few steps. Only some information about the new or used abdominal strength training equipment is necessary and the ad is online and visible for prospective customers.
In our magazine you can find usefull trainings tips for the training with abdominal strength equipment.