Buy and sell used & new butterflies

15 Ads for Butterfly
CULTGYM OUTstanding OUTDOOR Plate loaded - butterfly -
Velten, Germany
Brand: DHZ Fitness
Price: €1,499.00
Velten, Germany
SALE!! Technogym Selection PRO Pectoral machine
Bielsko-Biała, Poland
Matrix Fitness | Ultra Series | Pectoral Fly (G7-S12) | 2017 | Iced Silver
Frechen, Germany
BH Fitness Butterfly Machine L270B
BH Fitness Butterfly Machine L270B
Brand: BH Fitness
Price: Price on request
Frankfurt, Germany
Air350 Seated Butterfly sitting
Air350 Seated Butterfly sitting
Brand: Keiser
Price: Price on request
Waltrop, Germany
L+K Butterfly Classic Line
L+K Butterfly Classic Line
Price: Price on request
Bochum, Germany
Realleader Butterfly, Silver, Used
Ulsnis, Germany
Cybex butterfly, exclusive paint, used
Ulsnis, Germany
ASS Butterfly with easy entry, footrest and adjustable arms, used
Ulsnis, Germany
Something to sell in this category? List now and you can reach the correct target groups!

A Butterfly machine strains the large pectoral muscle (musculus pectoralis major) as well as the front part of the shoulder muscle. As the butterfly is one of the most popular training machines for the chest muscles, it can be found in nearly every gym. On one hand it is very simple to use and the motion sequences are easy to learn and on the other hand it trains the chest muscle aimed and effective. It is a machine that is equally popular among men and women which often causes queues in gyms.

How does the training on a new or used butterfly work?

The athlete sits on the padded seat of the butterfly machine with the back pressed to the back padding to have a straight upright position. Now he or she has to grasp the grips with nearly stretched arms, but not completely stretched to be easy on the elbows. The grips have to be lead together in front of the chest slowly, concentrated and controlled. It is recommendable to use light weights in the beginning and increase the load after some exercising as well as get advice from a trainer to avoid wrong body posture and movements. It is important to gain drive not through the upper body but the arms. You should also take care not to fully stretch the arms. It is also essential to warm up and stretch your body before training on a new or used butterfly.

Buy new or used butterflies

If you want to buy a new or used butterfly for your home, you should get advised by a fitness trainer in advance, because doing exercises correctly is important to avoid injuries. Training at home saves you a lot of time, because you don’t have to leave the house to go to a gym, but can do training with your own new or used butterfly at home at any time you want. On you will find a wide range of new and used butterflies.

Sell new or used butterflies

If you are closing a gym and want to sell a used butterfly, just create an ad on It is recommended to give a detailed description of the used butterfly so the prospective buyer has the most important information just at a glance. It also supports the sales opportunities to add pictures of the machine to your ad.

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