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General Articles Muscles - often underestimated elements of our health

Our muscles are often forgotten, yet they are an important part of our body. Exercising just twice a week strengthens the muscles in the long term.

18 February 2015

General Articles Physiotherapists demand better working conditions and remuneration

The Federation of United Therapists (BvT) has called for a demonstration in Leipzig to demand better working conditions and adequate remuneration

16 February 2015

General Articles Triumph of the will

More than $50 million has already been raised for the ALS Foundation by Life Fitness founder Augie Nieto, who was 47 when he was diagnosed with ALS in 2005.

11 February 2015

General Articles Core Training - The center of the body in the center of the training

This type of exercise specifically trains the center of the body, which is important for good posture and is involved in almost every body movement.

30 January 2015

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General Articles egg.de becomes foodspring

The Berlin based startup egg.de, which was founded in 2013 and specializes in the production of organic protein powder, has changed its name to foodspring.

19 May 2016