Back pain is the second most common diagnosis for sick leave in Germany. A full 75% of all employees in Germany suffer from recurring back pain. The pain most frequently occurs in the lower back, i.e. in the area of the lumbar spine. The cause is often muscle tension or imbalances. Many think of the intervertebral disc, but this is the reason in very few cases. The problems are usually caused by poor posture and also by one-sided stress. In order to prevent chronic complaints, the muscles in the lower part urgently need to be strengthened . Every muscle always has a counterpart, for the back this is the abdomen. And this means that not only the back muscles need to be strengthened, but also the abdomen.
What muscles are located in the lower back?
We have two strong muscles to the right and also to the left of the spine. These areresponsiblefor our posture, among other things .More precisely, this is the erector spinae muscle, it belongs to the deep back muscles. And it is precisely when this muscle is too weakly developed that we sooner or later experience pain in the lower part.
Other muscles that are responsible for mobility and strength in the lower back are the broad back muscle, also known as the latissimus dorsi muscle, and the large gluteus maximus muscle.
This is exactly what can be prevented with a targeted workout. So exercising the lower back will bring significant benefits.
Things to know about back health
Our back is responsible for many functions and if there are problems, then this can have an influence on many more parts of the body and also cause pain. Bad posture and tension occur and all this because of a lack of back muscles. It is often the case that our work forces us to remain in the same position for hours on end, and it is precisely this that needs to be compensated for through training. Simple buteffective exercises build up the lower back and strengthen the muscles.
How can you prevent problems?
- Strengthen the back muscles.
- It is imperative to provide a balance to everyday life.
- Regular training is mandatory to achieve success.
What are the best exercises for the lower back?
The first exercise strengthens the lower back extensor muscle and is easy to do. This involves getting into a quadruped stance, with your arms shoulder-width apart and your legs hip-width apart on the floor. In this exercise, it is important to always tighten the abdomen. The lower back must form a straight line and the head forms an extension to it. Now one leg is lifted at a 90 degree angle and small up and down movements are performed. The exercise is done for 30 seconds and then the side is changed.
The second exercise is called the pelvic lift and also strengthens the extensor muscle. To do this, get into the supine position, the palms of the hands go to the floor. The feet are placed shoulder-width apart. The weight is shifted to the heels. The shoulder blades are pressed deep into the floor. Now, in slow movements, the entire pelvis and back are lifted, while the back and abdomen are firmly tightened. Careful up and down movements are performed for 30 seconds. The back is not put down during the exercise.
Exercise three strengthens the lower back and isn' t all that easy. It is done in the prone position, arms are held above the head. Now the right leg is lifted and at the same time the left arm. Then switch sides, so it is always worked diagonally. Perform 20 repetitions for a total of 3 sets.
Conclusion: Regular training is very effective for back health
If the lower back is being exercised, then care must always be taken to train both the deep and superficial muscles. The muscles there are similar to an onion and consist of the coordination muscles and also the superficial muscles, only when both are trained properly, it can result in a beneficial build up of the muscles and thus also strengthen the spine perfectly and protect it from pain. Only regular training can also lead to success.
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Picture credits: #74842375 and #43978664 Prostock-studio /
Published on: 18 March 2015