Erectile dysfunction prevention exercises

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Almost every man knows the problem that it sometimes does not work with the erection.

One speaks of erectile dysfunction when one regularly cannot get or maintain an erection. This problem does not only affect the elderly. It is common in all age groups.

For a good erection, tone and strength of many muscles and a healthy cardiovascular system are essential. Both can be improved through exercise. In this article you will learn which exercises are best for this.

Physical causes and various solutions

Physical causes and risk factors for potency problems include:

  • Obesity
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Metabolic syndrome
  • Prostate cancer
  • Stroke
  • Low physical activity
  • Smoking
  • Alcohol

Doctors usually prescribe PDE-5 inhibitors like Viagra or Cialis for erection problems that are a symptom of these conditions. Lifestyle changes such as weight loss and exercise also help. However, they require some patience and regular exercise.

Kegel exercises to try

The so-called Kegel exercises strengthen the pelvic floor. They target the muscles on the underside of the pelvis, especially the pubic coccyx muscle. This muscle has the function of supporting the organs in the pelvis. When weakened, it cannot prevent blood from draining from the erect penis.

Pelvic floor exercises strengthen and improve the tone of the pubic coccyx muscle. It may take four to six weeks to notice a difference in erection.

1. activation of the pelvic floor muscles

This exercise is simple but important to learn how to activate the pelvic floor muscles.

Lie down with your knees bent, feet flat on the floor and arms at your sides. Exhale and tense the pelvic floor muscles for three seconds.

Inhale and relax the pelvic floor muscles.

Take time to identify the correct muscle group. These are the muscles at the bottom of the pelvis. It can be easy to accidentally tighten other muscles instead, such as the abdominal muscles or the muscles in the buttocks or legs.

2. pelvic floor activation in a sitting position

Sit with your arms at your sides and your feet flat on the floor. Feet are hip-width apart. Using the same technique as the first exercise, activate the pelvic floor muscles by counting to three, then release. Be careful not to tighten the abdominal, gluteal and leg muscles.

3. pelvic floor activation in standing position

Stand up straight. Feet are hip-width apart. Using the technique described above, activate the pelvic floor muscles by counting to three, then release. Be careful not to tighten the abdominal, gluteal and leg muscles.

If you use these Kegel exercises three times a day, after some time you can add other exercises that require more movement.

Pilates Beckenboden-Übung

Pilates exercises to try

The following Pilates exercises activate the right muscle group and train the strength of the pelvic floor during movement.

1. supine position with bent knees.

This is a beginner exercise that involves small movements.

Lie down with knees bent, feet flat on the floor and arms at your sides. Keep the spine in a neutral position, with a small space between the middle of the back and the floor.

Exhale, tighten the pelvic floor muscles and slowly lower one knee to the floor. Lower it only as far as you can easily, keeping the pelvic floor muscles activated. Keep the pelvis stable.

Inhale, release the muscles and bend the knee again. Repeat the exercise on the other side.

Start with four or five repetitions on each side and increase the workout up to ten repetitions.

2. supine foot lift

This exercise builds on the previous exercise.

Lie down with your knees bent, feet flat on the floor and arms at your sides. Exhale, tighten the pelvic floor muscles and slowly lift one foot off the floor. Keep the pelvis and spine still.

Inhale and lower the foot back to the floor. Alternate sides.

3. pelvic flexors

This exercise is very common in Pilates.

Lie down with knees bent, feet flat on the floor and arms at your sides. Keep the spine in a neutral position, with a small space between the middle of the back and the floor.

Exhale and tense the pelvic floor muscles. Tilt the pelvis up toward the belly button while pressing the back flat to the floor.

Slowly lift the buttocks and press the heels to the floor.

Tighten the buttocks as you lift.

The weight of the body should rest on the shoulders.

Inhale and tense the buttocks and pelvic floor muscles.

Slowly lower the buttocks and back to the floor one vertebra at a time.

Repeat the exercise three to four times at first and increase the workout up to ten repetitions.

What you should keep in mind: At first, you may only be able to do this exercise three or four times. Build strength by practicing daily. The goal should be ten repetitions per day.

If you practice these exercises for a while and stop again, the muscles will weaken again, which can also cause potency problems to return.

Other types of exercises

Aerobic exercise can also help men with erection problems.

Men who do aerobic exercise four times a week get the best results. Each exercise session should be of moderate to high intensity and last at least 40 minutes.

Some examples of aerobic exercise include:

Exercise is especially important for maintaining blood vessel and heart health.

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Improving diet

Diet and weight are also important aspects to consider when treating erectile dysfunction. Men with erectile problems are more likely to be overweight. Alcohol also plays a role.

Those who eat a healthy diet, drink little alcohol and avoid foods high in salt, sugar and fat lower their risk for potency problems.

Exercise and other treatments

Doing something about the causes of potency problems leads to long-lasting results, while medications only work temporarily. While you can only get pills like Viagra and Cialis with a doctor's prescription, the right kinds of exercise are an over-the-counter potency remedy, so to speak. Their disadvantage is that they involve a certain amount of effort: You have to keep at it and exercise even in rainy weather. This requires a certain amount of self-discipline.

Alternative treatments that may show some effect include herbal remedies such as ginseng, professional massages or exercise teachings such as yoga.

Sometimes, however, erection problems are psychological. In these cases, talk therapy or couples counseling may help.

Conclusion: Exercise often helps, but you need patience.

A man with potency problems will often see improvement if he changes his lifestyle and stays consistent. This can help to get by without medication, and it will definitely have a positive effect on overall health.

Those who eat healthier and do exercises for a stronger pelvic floor will reduce potency problems and can sometimes even eliminate them.

Editors (EA)

Image Source: #360204682 Viacheslav Yakobchuk /; #105748260 lightpoet /

Published on: 21 February 2023

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