The 5 best exercises for strong triceps

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In a push-up or on the bench, well-defined triceps not only help you with classic exercises in the gym, but are also a real eye-catcher in a tank top.

To help you get the strong triceps of a boxer, we've put together the best triceps exercises for you. In this colorful mix you will find a triceps workoutfor home, for the gym and even without equipment.

Die 5 besten Übungen für einen starken Trizeps

These 5 exercises will make your triceps grow


The classic and perhaps the most strenuous exercise for your triceps. For dips you need two parallel bars. You can find them in the gym or on calisthenics courts. Start in a stretched position and lower your body in a controlled manner. Pull your shoulders back and extend your chest.

No bar at hand? Then sit in front of a sofa or bed and place your hands behind you. This variation isn't quite as strenuous, but it's a good place to start.

Tips for training with dip machines

Triceps pull on cable pulley

Use the upper mount for this Strength Tower the upper mount and place your elbows against your body. Pull the weight cleanly and controlled to your body, the upper arms must be like firmly grown.

In addition to the parallel short bar, you can also perform this exercise with the rope on the cable pull. Variation will make your triceps more defined.


Lying on back with dumbbell or barbell stretch the upper arms straight up into the air. Angle your forearms and extend them from this position, being careful not to generate any momentum from your upper arms. And don't drop the dumbbell, or you'll find out why the exercise is called the Skullcrusher....

Variation without equipment: get into plank position and place your hands in front of you. Press out of your triceps onto your hands and slowly sink back down.

Tight Bench Press

Like bench press with barbell, but with a much tighter grip. To do this, rest your elbows and grip the barbell from this applied position. Start with less weight, because the bench press is not only heavier in itself due to the tight grip, you also have to balance the barbell more.

Still not strenuous enough? Then grab the barbell for an underhand grip variation.


For this exercise you need two light dumbbells. Find a safe stance, bend your knees slightly and lean forward. The dumbbells are close to your chest at the beginning, for the execution you bring them behind your body with stretched arms. The arms are slightly higher than the leaned upper body and you have to try to hold the tense position for a short time.

Think of a ski jumper. Only with dumbbells.

Push it! - Workout for the triceps

As you can see, you don't need much equipment for the triceps. The weights are much lighter than for the biceps and you can also train with light dumbbells at home. Ideal for strong arms and a clean support.

Find your cable puller now at an unbeatable price!

Find a cable pulley now

Editors (EA)

Photo credit: #174558687 Prostock-studio /

Published on: 17 August 2019

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