What is the best way to train the back?

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When it comes to muscle building, back training is a part of it and if you want to train your back, then the training plan includes exercises for the entire muscle parts of the back muscles.
The latissimus dorsi is one of the most important parts of the back muscles and is also the largest. But the back extensor and the trapezius muscle are also significant parts. All three are trained with the classic back exercises, such as the deadlift, rowing or lat pulldown. However, care must be taken. When training the back, because if here the risk of injury is quite high if an exercise is performed incorrectly.

A wide range of workouts to train the back.

In addition to hyperextensions, which we'll go into in a moment, you can also train your back with pull-ups, as well as deadlifts, barbell rowing, lat pulldowns, reverse flies, rowing, back stretches and more.

Let's go into hyperextension here, which can be done on the machine as well as "Manually".


The hyperextension

If the hyperextensions are performed without a machine, then proceed as follows:

  1. Fix the ankles behind the foot rollers, which are specially designed for this purpose.
  2. Lean the hips against the pad with the pubic bone not touching the pad.
  3. Then cross the arms at the back of the head or in front of the chest.
  4. The axis of movement is the hip joint.
  5. Now bend the upper body, with the back rounded, and inhale.
  6. Then bring the upper body into a horizontal position by stretching, and then hold this position for a few seconds (optional).

This exercise uses the back extensor and also, to a lesser extent, the gluteus maximus and the leg flexor. If you want to intensify the workout, you can hold the top position isometrically for a short moment.

The hperextensions on the machine

To do this, sit on the machine and place the rear roll pad at neck level in a pre-bent position. Then straighten the upper body completely and stretch the back. The weight should be held in the rearmost position for a short time and then returned to the pre-bent starting position.
In this back exercise, only the back extensor is used.
But you can also train at home without much effort if you don't have time for the gym. The supine back stretch (superman) is suitable for this purpose.

Supine back stretch

This exercise for the back is also called Superman exercise. You lie on your stomach on the floor and stretch your arms forward (starting position).

  1. Raise the upper body with the outstretched arms and also raise the legs, which are also outstretched, as far up as possible. Hold this position for a moment.
  2. Then slowly lower the upper body and the legs.

Certainly there are variations for this exercise. You can either lift only the upper body or only one leg and one arm (right arm/left leg or vice versa). For the most part, the back extensor involves working out the large gluteus maximus and the back extensor.

But why is the training so important?

The reason is, in almost all physical activities the back is involved and it does not matter if standing, walking, running, sitting or carrying objects. No other muscle is so differentiated between the inner and outer muscles, because the back also performs a variety of static and dynamic work. For example, the inner muscle is used for holding work, i.e. when the back returns to the starting position during the execution of an exercise. In addition, this musculature is also active when sitting on a chair, for example. The outer muscles move the body and therefore it is important to train the back effectively and correctly.

fitnessmarkt.de: buy and sell new and used strength equipment for the back!

Image Source: #129678088 milosducati / stock.adobe.com

Published on: 3 March 2015

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