Treadmill - What speed is right?

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Training on a high-quality treadmill has numerous advantages. Especially in the professional studio environment, it is the perfect way for you to do targeted cardio training. No matter whether as an isolated running workout or as a supplement to a strength unit. Indoor running training is an ideal alternative for a fit body in summer as well as in bad weather in fall and winter. However, if you want to train properly and get fit in a healthy way, you should pay attention to the speed on the treadmill.

Laufband - Welche Geschwindigkeit?

Outdoor speed is not the same as treadmill speed

When you reel off your laps on the treadmill, you use significantly less energy for the same pace than outdoors. The reason is simple: When jogging on asphalt or forest floors, you have to use muscle power to pull your body forward over your standing leg. On the treadmill, this is done by the rolling carpet, which supports your leg with its backward pull. But that's not all. With indoor training on the treadmill, there is also no air resistance. The rule of thumb here is: the faster you run, the greater the energy savings compared to outdoor training. Already at 8 km/h the saving is 5%. At 14 km/h it is even 10%.

The pulse as an indicator of the correct treadmill speed

So, to get the same workout performance on the treadmill, your speed needs to be a bit higher for the two reasons mentioned above. Pulse is a good indicator of the power output. If your pulse is at a similar level during indoor and outdoor training, you have the right speed.

Overweight on the treadmill?

Don't go too fast

Many exercisers make the mistake of going too fast when training on the treadmill. This happens even to experienced runners who have only run outdoors. This is a problem, because the running style on a treadmill is very different from the running style on hard ground. This poses a challenge to the organism, as it has to relearn these movement patterns in order to work efficiently. When you start treadmill training or return to it after a long period of time, you should initially choose a slow speed that is within your comfort zone. Tempo runs are taboo during the first training sessions. If you run at too high a speed on the treadmill without getting used to it, you run the risk of deteriorating your running style. This opens the door to overuse and injury.

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Picture credits: treadmill-#178403499-dusanpetkovic1-AdobeStock

Published on: 28 January 2020

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