Training the thighs - what is the best way to train them?

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Not only women and girls have the desire to get toned legs and a crisp butt, but also the men are well advised to regularly subject their legs to a work-out and to put their focus not only on the muscle groups of the upper body. The question is with what exercises can you effectively train the thigh and which ones are suitable for beginners, for weight loss or to perform at home?

You can train your leg muscles in many different ways and not only strength training is suitable for this, but also endurance sports such as jogging or cycling. In order to make the training of the thighs as effective as possible, you should combine endurance sports with strength training for legs or thighs.

Thigh work-out in the gym

If you already train in the gym, but have not yet come into contact with weight training, then it is advisable to access thigh exercises, which can be performed either with the appropriate weight machines in the gym or with the body using additional weights. In the gym, for the training of the thighs is mostly used the leg press, with which the movement sequence of a squat is imitated. The squat is the supreme discipline and therefore the training of the thighs on the leg press is just as effective, because the work-out also trains the buttocks and calves. In addition, there should also be training units such as leg extensors, leg flexors and the exercises for the adductors and abductors. In these exercises for the thigh, the leg is pulled towards the middle of the body or the leg is spread outwards. Through these four work-outs, all the thigh muscles are trained.

Besides, the classic exercises can also be performed to train the thighs like squat exercises: Lunge, quadruped stand, leg lift sideways or backwards and jumps from squat.

Exercise the thighs at home.
You can also train your thighs very effectively at home, thereby strengthening and toning them. For this purpose, workouts such as squats, lunges, quadruped stand, leg lift standing or lying, as well as to the back and side and jumps from the squat and many others. But practical and simple tools can also be used in home thigh training, such as the theraband. This can be used very versatile, although you should always "play" with the length. The shorter the band, the greater the resistance.
Climbing stairs is also a very effective workout for the thighs. To do this, simply walk down the stairs backwards or simply take several steps with one stride.

A few more short work-outs for the thighs

  • Lunges: Stand upright - take a big step forward and bend at the knees, keeping the back leg extended - keep the back leg extended with the knee almost touching the floor and hold for 20 seconds - then slowly return to the starting position - 15 reps per leg.
  • Pelvic Lift: Lie with your back on the floor - legs hip width apart - raise and lower the pelvis - up to 20 repetitions divided into 2 - 3 sets.
  • Bridge: Again lying on your back - place your legs - arms next to your torso, palms resting on the floor - raise your pelvis to the point where your torso and knees form a straight line - hold this position for a short time, then lower - 15 - 20 repetitions.
  • Leg float: Again, lie on your back - stretch your legs and tense your buttocks - then lift your legs alternately in an extended position - hold each position for a short time and then lower again - again, 20 repetitions divided into 2 - 3 sets.

These tips are suitable for men and women who want to train their thighs. It is important to warm up before any thigh workout, such as light jogging in place.

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Published on: 9 March 2015

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