The Vital-Test-Center now also available as Plus version

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The Vital-Test-Center of TONUS sports & reha GmbH combines three measurement systems in one Vital-Check

TONUS – The Vital-Test-Center of TONUS sports & reha GmbH combines three different measurement systems in one meaningful Vital-Check for high-quality customer support. Heart-Stress-Measurement with ClueMedical Sport, isometric strength measurement with EasyTorque, coordination with Balance-Top and also special boards for Notebook/Tablet etc. allow compact utilization on small space, also for mobile use.
Vital-Test-Center is the ideal tool for BGM and also gyms for customer acquisition and loyalty. It is completely controlled by the software of medo.check®. Now the Vital-Test-Center can also be expanded with the innovative flexibility and movement analysis „mobeefit“ as „Plus“ version.  TONUS offers attractive leasing and refinancing programs.

Source: F&G

Published on: 28 September 2015

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