Online and offline fitness combined for the first time: Fitness First acquires online provider New Moove

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Fitness First - already well positioned with around 270,000 members in its 80 German fitness clubs - is now tackling the online fitness business. The fitness chain bought New Moove, one of the leading online sports service providers in Germany.

New Moove has over 100,000 members and places particular emphasis on combining nutrition and fitness. The online provider offers a wide range of services, including yoga and Zumba classes as well as muscle-building workouts.

But fitness enthusiasts who use these services also benefit: As a member of a Fitness First studio, one receives discounts on New Moove's online offers. Likewise, New Moove customers will be able to train at Fitness First's sports clubs for less in the future.

As a result of this merger, Fitness First is now the first operator of fitness facilities to provide its users with both online and offline fitness offerings.

Published on: 12 November 2014

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