More balance in training - Balance Pad exercises for seniors

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The Balance Pad is not only the perfect addition for athletes in the prime of their athletic careers, but is also ideal for graying athletes. With our Balance Pad exercises for seniors, you'll learn to master your balance in a whole new way at any age. It's good for rehabilitation, good for accident prevention, and definitely good for strong joints.

Balance Pad exercises for seniors - balance knows no age

Don't worry if you and the Balance Pad don't hit it off right away. It takes a few tries to gain confidence on the Balance Pad. This is completely normal and will get better with time. First of all, there are Balance Pad exercises for seniors that are a little easier and train good balance while standing. These include squats on the Balance Pad, for example. The ankles have to do the physical balancing work here, and the arms can also be used to balance the weight. From the knees to the hips, this exercise trains a stable stance.

Also good for legs and hips is the lunge on the balance pad. You should place your front foot on the pad and stand in a wide straddle. Now go straight down until your thigh is parallel to the floor, the knee is still above the instep. Make sure your upper body is upright and press your hands into your hips. This exercise is doubly useful because it builds strength and balance in the front leg, and the back leg and hip are stretched during the exercise.

However, the Balance Pad is also the right tool for more strength in the upper body. Planks are among the balance pad exercises for seniors that look easy but require a lot of body tension. The shaking starts in the shoulders, but tension is also needed in the hips and mid-body. This also works the other way around, with your back on the floor and your feet on the Balance Pad. To do this, place your hands next to your hips and lift your pelvis. You can do this exercise a little faster with repetitions or more static by holding the pelvis.

Strength and Balance for Seniors

Our Balance Pad exercises for seniors are not only easy to perform, but also challenging. The fact that training with the Balance Pad is also great fun is just another bonus point.

Find your right balance pads at an unbeatable price now!

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Editors (EA)

Picture credits: #103391218-WavebreakMediaMicro-AdobeStock

Published on: 15 September 2019

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