How to train properly with the Balance Pad? - Tips for training with the Balance Pad

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Don't we all wish we had a little more balance in our lives? And while that may be a little out of reach with healthy eating, work-life balance, and a better relationship with social media, friends, and family, you can at least bring some balance to your workout. To work out properly with balance pads and train your balance with each exercise, you may need more skill than you might initially think. Our tips will help you get started.

Richtig Trainieren mit Balance Pads

The Balance Pad in use - just don't lose your balance

You don't even need to perform complex exercises on the Balance Pads to activate your deep muscles . So before you try standing scales and the like, it's important that you first practice standing securely on the Balance Pad. Get a feel for your stance without weight and without extreme postures like lunges, use your arms if necessary to regain your balance and fix a point diagonally in front of you. This will help your sense of balance.

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Balance pads are used in both rehab and preventative training and work the muscles you barely reach, if at all, with traditional exercises. If you have severe problems with some exercises on the Balance Pad, practice them first without the Balance Pad or near a stopping point. Don't be put off by minor wobbles.

Ideally, you should stand barefoot on the Balance Pad, because this also trains the finer muscles in your feet. If you use free weights on the Balance Pad, this is not possible for safety reasons. In this case, it is best to wear shoes with very flexible soles.

Don't be put off by wobbles when exercising on a balance pad, you'll learn safe standing pretty quickly here. And the added stability will protect you in everyday life and sports.

Stability for muscles and joints

When you think about the muscles in your body that you target with your workout, it's not just the large, visible muscle groups that will take you further. It's the invisible muscles that do important, balancing work that help you become more athletic, more confident, and more robust and secure. You can feel this when you lean on one leg while climbing, when you stop before hitting a goal, or when you coordinate your return better in tennis. Especially after an injury , the Balance Pad is the perfect device to quickly regain athleticism and dynamics.

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Editors (EA)

Image credit: #103391218-WavebreakMediaMicro-AdobeStock

Published on: 7 August 2019

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