How to train properly with a gluteus machine? Tips for training with gluteus machines

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A Glutaes machine is used to train the leg and buttock muscles; these muscles are strengthened. Since the buttocks are trained, this training device is especially popular with women who want to fulfill their dream of a crisp buttocks. Training with a gluteus machine is very efficient; you will notice visible results after a short period of time if you train regularly. The training can be done kneeling or lying.

What you should bear in mind when training with the Gluteus machine
The gluteus machine is a stationary exercise machine that is used in a gym. Before you start training, have the fitness trainer explain the machine to you and initially only train under the supervision of the trainer or an experienced training partner. The fitness trainer will work with you to select the appropriate training weight, which will be pinned down. Before you start training with the gluteus machine, you must position the knee pad for the kneeling workout. The positioning must be such that you can rest with your upper body on the long lying surface. The pelvis must be in the optimal position so that the thighs form a right angle at the hip joint. Make sure that your feet have a firm footing. With the gluteus machine you train primarily

  • large gluteal muscle
  • small gluteal muscle
  • anterior thigh muscles.

Before you start your workout, make sure you warm up well to avoid workout injuries. Especially think about stretching exercises. With a very light training weight you can warm up your muscles. In order to train efficiently with the gluteus machine right from the start, you should work out a training plan together with your fitness trainer. In the training plan, the body setting on the training device, the training weights used and the number of sets are recorded.

Now it's time to train with the gluteus machine.
Basically, when exercising with the gluteus machine, inhale during the positive movement and exhale during the negative movement. Never reach your hands into the moving parts of the gluteus machine while exercising to avoid injury. The first thing to do is to position yourself correctly on the gluteus machine. Grasp the handholds located next to the couch cushion with your hands. Place one cheek on the couch pad and place one foot in front of the exercise plate. Tense your body and extend your leg slowly and in a controlled manner at the knee joint until it is approximately extended. Never fully extend the leg to avoid injury and overstretching. After you have stretched the leg, guide it back towards the gluteus machine in a slow and controlled manner. It is important that the weight plates of the gluteus machine do not hit each other in the lower area. Therefore, stop just before the exercise starting position. After returning the leg just before the starting position, repeat the exercise on the gluteus machine. After completing one set of the workout, switch to the other leg.

How to train efficiently with the gluteus machine
Whether you train on the gluteus machine while kneeling or lying down, the correct position is important. The knee joint forms a right angle with the hip joint. When exercising lying down, the upper body must rest straight on the lying surface in the prone position. The head forms an extension of the spine. Hold your hands at the front of the handholds. The tips of your feet must point downwards. Always make sure that you never fully extend your knees. In order to avoid typical mistakes, you should always train under the supervision of the trainer in the beginning, he can correct mistakes right at the beginning. In order for the training on the gluteus machine to be really efficient, you should train two to three times a week. Increase the training weight slowly, in consultation with the trainer and depending on your training progress. Make sure you take sufficient breaks during your workout. So that the training does not become one-sided, you should also use other training devices besides the gluteus machine and train other muscle groups.

Find your right gluteus machine at an unbeatable price now!

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Picture credits: #200220742-Odua-Images-AdobeStock

Published on: 13 November 2014

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