How to train correctly on an adductor press – exercise tips for training on an adductor press

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Strong and muscular thighs are what many athletes, not only bodybuilders aim for. Women often moan about fat deposition and cellulite on the thighs. Specific leg training can burn this fat and work against the formation of cellulite. Training on an adductor press serves as strengthening of the legs and trains the adductors of the thighs. In contrast to the abductors that fulfill movements off the body, the adductors serve for movements to the body. Adductors can’t only be found in thighs, but also in the arms. However, the adductor press only trains the thighs’ adductors and includes also the gluteus muscle. While the weights of the abductor press have to be pushed inwards against the resistance, this machine works the other way. The weights’ resistance pushes to the inside and have to be pushed outwards by the athlete. Training on this fitness equipment can be combined with training on an abductor press.

Important facts on training on an adductor press
During the training on an this training equipment you are sitting on the machine what makes the training easy. As the training doesn’t include impact loads, it is also suitable for spine and joint ailments. However, you should not use too much load at the beginning. The fitness trainer will help you to choose the correct weight. In advanced trainings you can increase the weight slowly. To avoid mistakes that are done often in the beginning and are hard to eliminate afterwards, you should get advised on the correct posture on the training machines and train only supervised by a trainer in the beginning. When starting to use this fitness euqipment, the number of reps should be small, later the exercises can be repeated more often.

The correct posture on the adductor press
This training machine is similar to the abductor press, but here you don’t stretch your legs, but curl them by pushing them inwards. For efficient training, the correct posture is essential. At first choose the weight for the training machine, then assume the starting posture. Now follow these steps:

  1. Take a seat on the training machine
  2. Straighten your back and your head as if it were an extension of your spine
  3. Look ahead
  4. Grasp the side-grips with both hands
  5. Hold your thighs parallel to the ground
  6. Let your feet hang in the air or step on the supporting board, depending on the training machine

Now you have reached the starting posture on the training machine and you can start the training.

Correct training on an adductor press
To correctly train on this fitness equipment, push the thighs inwards against the resistance. Breathe out while doing this and mind doing the exercise slowly. When both contact surfaces meet, the ending position is reached. Hold this position for a moment and let the thighs back outwards while breathing in. During the whole exercise, there should be tension in your thighs. To avoid strains, don’t move your legs too far outwards.

Avoid mistakes using an adductor press
Like when using an abductor press, there are some typical mistakes when training on an adductor press that can be avoided. Those mistakes divert the desired training effect: Don’t let the weight sink between the reps, but always hold the tension in the thighs. Slow down the backwards movement of the legs. Don’t use drive to press the legs inwards, but tension to train the muscles.

On you can also find new and used adductor presses.

Published on: 22 October 2014

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