A smith machine is the perfect training machine, because it allows doing several exercises for different groups of muscles. These machines are offered in many gyms; you can do for example the following exercises on it:
- Bench press
- Incline bench press
- Neck press
- Deadlifts
- Squats
An important advantage of a smith machine is that it enables you to do the training without a training partner and that the exercises are easy to learn.
Basic knowledge for training on a smith machine
Although the exercises on a smith machine can be learned quickly and done easily, you should get instructed on the machine by a trainer before starting the training for the first time. The trainer can show you how to adjust the machine correctly according to your height and tell you which weights are most suitable for you. It is recommended to use only light weights for the first training sessions and increase them with the training progress. To train most efficiently it is a good idea to elaborate a workout plan together with a trainer. This plan contains the adjustment on the smith machine, number of weights, exercises and number of repeats. It is recommendable to do various exercises on the smith machine to strain different groups of muscles. It is important to vary the training, which can train leg, glute, neck, abdominal and chest muscles. We further introduce how to do squats and bench press on a smith machine correctly.
Squats on a smith machine
Doing squats on a smith machine is connected to a limited movement area in comparison with free squats because of the guided bar. But you can do the squats with your legs placed very far in the front which is not possible for free squats. If you place your feet in this way, the training of the large glute muscle and the back of the thighs is especially effective. To do the squats correctly the shoulders should be right below the barbell bar, it has to lie on the shoulders. Put the feet a shoulder’s width apart, then you can take the barbell from the rack. Don’t stretch your legs completely to avoid strains and injuries. Hold your upper body straight and have a slight hollow back. Tense your abdominal muscles and lower your glute slowly and controlled while breathing in. Do so until thighs and calves are in a rectangle position, then you can slowly lift again while breathing out, but care not to stretch the legs completely. Always try to have a solid stand while doing squats on the smith machine. Put the barbell bar back on the rack again in the end of your training session.
Bench press on a smith machine
Another exercise that can be done on a smith machine is bench press which is an effective training method for the chest muscles. Doing bench press on a smith machine supports the movements which is not possible for free bench press. Therefore it is much easier for beginners to do bench presses on a smith machine. The training can be done flat and incline. Lay on the machine and bend your legs. Hold the barbell bar about a shoulder’s width apart with the hands. Then push up the bar without stretching the arms completely while breathing out. Don’t stretch the arms completely to avoid injuries! While breathing out, let the bar sink slowly and controlled. It is important that you can feel the tension in the arms all the time. When doing bench press on a smith machine, it is important that the shoulders are not lifted, but remain on the padding, the back should be as calm as possible. Never stretch the elbows completely to avoid injuries. Choose only low weights in the beginning and increase the weight after some training sessions.
Here you can find all available new and used smith machines on fitnessmarkt.com.
Image-source: #200765928 zamuruev AdobeStock
Published on: 22 January 2015