Holistic training for outdoor and indoor use - unlimited training with the TRX Suspension Trainer

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Anyone who thinks that the TRX Suspension Trainer can only be used in the gym is mistaken. The non-elastic belt system, in which athletes only use their own body weight as training resistance, is easy to transport and allows you to work out almost anywhere. This is because the straps can be attached in a wide variety of places: whether at home, when traveling or in nature. Your own training program - for example an intensive 20-minute full-body workout - can be completed anywhere and at any time. Transatlantic Fitness also offers TRX Bootcamp training courses for anyone who wants to add a little more motivation to their workout, combining effective outdoor training with motivating group dynamics and fun.

Further information at www.trx-training.de and www.trx-bootcamp.de
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Transatlantic Fitness GmbH
Florian Schmidt/Marcel John
Am Haag 10
82166 Gräfelfing
Phone: +49 (0)89 5008 079 0
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www.transatlanticfitness.com xml-ph-0011

TOC Agency for Communication GmbH & Co. KG
Ralf Kempf/Thomas Ammer
Kolpingring 16
82041 Oberhaching near Munich
Phone: +49 (0)89 1430 400 15
Fax: +49 (0)89 1430 400 29

Source: F&G

Published on: 10 September 2014

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