Our feet carry us our entire lives. They are essential to maintaining balance and provide necessary stability. Consiting of 26 bones, 27 joints, 107 ligaments and 32 muscles and tendons, the smallest area possible carries the entire weight of our body, gives us balance and makes us mobile.
In collaboration with therapists, pedalo® has developed an extensive foot balance training. Only 10 minutes of daily exercise provide an effective way to improve foot function. The Pedalo PhysioFlip® is a multi-purpose rotational trainer that was specfically developed for therapeutic, rehabilitational and medical use to improve muscle strength. PhysioFlip® is an innovative way for treating foot related alements and preventing injury.
Pedalo’s extensive foot balance training solutions are completed by pedalo®-Pedasan, pedalo’s®regenerative foot massage mat, pedalo®-Pro-Pedes and pedalo®-foot boards.
Source: F&G
Published on: 8 February 2016