From this year on, the FIBO CONGRESS will be organized by the German University of Prevention and Health Management (DHfPG) and the BSA Academy under the auspices of FIBO. Thanks to their many years of experience, also in the organization of congresses, the DHfPG/BSA will raise the professional character of the event to a new level in the long term as part of FIBO, which will take place from April 2 to 5.
Varied lecture program
The FIBO CONGRESS will be divided into the following thematic strands : Health (Training, Nutrition, Mental Fitness), Management, Business Start-Up, Corporate Health Management (BGM), Sun, Beauty & Care, EMS and Physiotherapy. Attendees will benefit from top speakers and up-to-date, directly actionable content. In total, more than 80 practice-oriented lectures will take place over three congress days. Look forward to business-relevant expertise at the highest level!
FIBO CONGRESS plus FIBO at a top price
Cutting-edge topics that move the fitness and health industry will be presented at FIBO CONGRESS, which also offers first-class value for money starting at 99 euros. Tickets are available for one, two or for the entire three days of the congress. Participants can visit all the thematic strands, so they have a free choice of lectures, and FIBO is also included on the respective booked congress day.
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Source: fitness Management
Picture credits: FIBO
Published on: 23 January 2020