Electronic billing for rehabilitation sports and functional training

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Electronic billing for rehabilitation sports and functional training services will now also be mandatory for health insurers nationwide from January 1, 2015 in accordance with Section 302 SGB V. In order to be able to invoice prescriptions and interim invoices in future, a whole range of data must be recorded and transmitted via electronic data transfer or corresponding data carriers. azh makes the changeover to electronic billing simple and straightforward.

From 2015, a wide range of data must be submitted for electronic billing for each billing case. In addition to the overall billing statement, prescription sheets, authorization certificates and, if applicable, service commitments from the health insurance companies, DTA item numbers, doctor numbers, approval data and approval numbers as well as the group key of the service providers will also be included in the billing - and also in the interim billing. This is a complex and, above all, time-consuming process that requires registration for automatic data exchange, the appropriate software and knowledge of the required data encryption.

With the help of azh, which has specialized in the billing of prescriptions with statutory health insurance companies and private patients for more than 30 years, electronic billing can be handled securely, easily and in compliance with the law. The experts at azh take care of the entire billing process for trainers, therapists and accompanying doctors. From the data exchange procedure with the statutory cost bearers to payment on binding, freely selectable dates.
azh's full range of services for rehabilitation sport and functional training includes

  • Digital billing of all cost bearers in accordance with § 302 SGB V - avoidance of the 5% invoice retentions that are automatically deducted by the cost bearers in the event of non-compliance.
  • Interim invoices that can be settled pro rata during the ongoing measures - azh takes care of the time-consuming copying, filing and allocation of the necessary receipts.
  • Online access to all billing data for quick and easy checking of billing data using color scans of the original prescriptions and certificates of participation.

For further information, please contact azh Heilmittel Sales (0 89) 9 21 08-4 44 or visit www.azh.de/azh-heilmittel/leistungen/kopien-zwischenabrechnung/

About azh Abrechnungs- und IT-Dienstleistungszentrum
With around 20,000 customers, azh GmbH is one of Germany's leading billing and IT service providers in the healthcare sector. For over 30 years, it has specialized in the complete billing of services and prescriptions with statutory health insurance funds, long-term care insurance funds, other social insurance providers and private patients. With various additional billing services, industry software products and comprehensive IT services, the company offers all other service providers in the healthcare market innovative, future-proof solutions.

Source: F&G

Published on: 1 October 2014

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