Dank Sportgeräte GmbH drives climate neutrality forward

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Germany's leading supplier of new and used fitness equipment, Dank Sportgeräte GmbH, is taking another significant step towards climate neutrality. In July 2024, the company put a new solar system into operation on the roof of warehouse no. 3, which was built in 2020. The photovoltaic system with a maximum output of 50 kWp enables the company to be completely self-sufficient in terms of energy in summer. Even in the darker months, the modern half-cell module technology covers up to 50% of the electricity required.

Dank Sportgeräte GmbH treibt Klimaneutralität voran

Managing Director Lennard Dank emphasizes that DankSport has been focusing on environmental protection for years. Packaging materials such as cardboard and film are reused wherever possible to protect fitness equipment during shipping. By technically and optically refurbishing hundreds of pieces of fitness equipment every year, the company also helps to reduce CO2 emissions that would be caused by new production. Nevertheless, the reconditioning equipment, such as the sandblasting booth, paint booth and compressor, require a lot of energy. DankSport is therefore proud to be able to cover the majority of this demand itself in a climate-neutral way. Surplus energy is fed into the grid at weekends, thus also helping to protect the climate.

The refurbished sports equipment is sold throughout Europe. DankSport also offers new customized strength equipment as well as various accessories and equipment .

Editorial team fitnessmarkt.de

Source and image source: Dank Sportgeräte GmbH

Published on: 2 September 2024

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