Comfortable self-massage with Grid Stk and Grid Stk X

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New hand roller system for myofascial massage while seated

The new "Grid Stk" and the new "Grid Stk X" from the Trigger Point product range with the proven GRID surface technology make it possible to treat fascial tissue while seated, for example in the office or when traveling, thanks to the new hand roller system. The innovation in the Grid Stk is the specially developed AcuGRIP handles, which can also be used as a massage tool. Rounded, flat corners and a curvature in the central grip area ensure more targeted treatment of trigger points. The Grid Stk X has a surface that is twice as hard for particularly intensive treatment. The Grid Stk and Grid Stk X are ideal for myofascial self-massage and, thanks to their slim shape, can be used on areas of the body that cannot be reached with a classic foam roller. The Grid Stk can therefore make an optimal contribution to prevention, regeneration and performance enhancement.

Source: F&G

Published on: 19 November 2014

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