Bad news for sauna operators

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This was the headline of the German Sauna Association's current September newsletter and provides detailed information on the decision by the Federal Ministry of Finance. The German Sauna Association explains: "According to the will of the federal states, all spas that have benefited so far and are not among the prescribable aids and remedies according to the list of aids and remedies are to be taxed at 19 percent in the future."
This means that sauna visits will soon be taxed at 19 percent across the board instead of 7 percent, without exception. All intensive efforts by the German Sauna Association to avert the VAT increase that has already been decided have been unsuccessful at the administrative level.
Of course, this measure also applies to commercial fitness and wellness operators who operate their wellness and sauna areas with their own entrance, changing rooms and administration in order to pay the low VAT rate of just 7 percent.
In this context, it will be particularly interesting to see whether this regulation will also be implemented on a one-to-one basis for clubs' own sauna facilities. It is likely that the DOSB (German Olympic Sports Confederation) clubs will once again invoke their non-profit status and thus their tax exemption.

Volker Ebener

Click here for the saunas

Source: F&G

Image source: Fotolia

Published on: 24 September 2014

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