Aqua Ropes in the Swiss Olympic Medical Center

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Aqua ropeAqua ropeAqua Rope – Training ropes are used more and more often in gyms, crossfit boxes, freestyle areas or for outdoor workout. The swinging motion of these ropes is mainly influenced by its materials, weight, length, workmanship and other factors. New Aqua Ropes provide a double-reinforced tube and have a weight of 4 to 12 kg. In addition they can be filled with 0 to 8 kg of water or granulate and offer training on every level of fitness. The water allows the rope to remain smooth-running even with additional weight, so the fun of making waves won’t be lost even at a higher need of strength.

Everywhere professionals are using the multifunctional Aqua Ropes: From professional athletes and physiotherapists to Balbir Singh who is well-known for his success in formula 1 or the Swiss Olympic Medical Center for rehabilitation. But the ropes are used for off-season-rehabilitation training to work on the weak points and general condition as well.

Source: F&G

Published on: 8 May 2015

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