Abdominal muscle training with the fascia roller - rolling exercises for a strong abdomen

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The fascia roller you know as a training tool to loosen your fascia and optimize the follow-up and rehab. But you can also use a fascia roller or blackroll for abdominal workouts, because the roller not only gives you a pressure-packed massage, but its shape also allows you to do unique exercises. We tell you how you can train your abdomen and abdominal muscles with the fascia roller.

Bauchtraining mit der Faszienrolle

Workout for the abs with the fascia roller - rolling to a flat belly

Love the push-up position and own a fascia roller? Good news, you can use this exercise for the entire frontal area of your abs. You place your shins just below your knees on the fascia roller, with your hands supporting your torso just below your shoulders. Now pull your knees in while rolling over the fascia roller - rolling as far as you can. Roll up to the instep of your foot, and back again. If the roller loses its position, readjust it.

You can also vary this exercise by rolling over the front thighs instead of the shins. The basic position is a deep plank on the forearms. You don't have to roll far, just holding the position puts tension on the front abdominal muscles.

To address the abdomen , pelvis and back at the same time with the fascia roll, an exercise like the pelvic lift is recommended. To do this, first lie flat on your back and place your feet on the roller, similar to the basic crunch position. While your arms are flat next to your body, lift your pelvis and put as much tension in your lower torso as you can. Press your shoulders into the floor to gain stability. Once you have mastered this exercise, you can move back and forth over the fascia roller on your feet to distribute the tension over your entire upper body.

For another variation of abdominal workout, you can also sit down and placeyour calves on the Blackroll . Your hands press your buttocks across the floor and from your hips, you roll back and forth along the length of your lower legs. Make sure that the roller does not sink into the back of your knees and that you keep your hips above the floor with tension.

Buying advice for gym owners - fascia rollers

Train your abdomen with the fascia roller

Whether it's your abdomen, legs or back - you can use a fascia roller not only to loosen your stuck fasciae and loosen muscles. In the roller you will find a versatile training tool for variable exercises with which you can promote and challenge your body.

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Image credit: #229936632 Prostock-studio / stock.adobe.com

Published on: 26 February 2020

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