Ab workout on the pull-up bar - the perfect ab workout to hang out with

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When you think of the results of the pull-up bar, you probably think of strong arms rather than a flat stomach and a well-defined six-pack. But there are plenty of ab exercises for the pull-up bar - in our overview we show you some of the best exercises for your abdomen that you can easily perform while hanging.

There's just one tip we'd like to point out first: When hanging, make sure that your shoulders are working together, i.e. that your sternum is extended and your shoulder blades are tense.

Bauchmuskelübungen für die Klimmzugstange

The best ab exercises for the pull-up bar

Leg ra ises - Leg raises are a classic for the lower abs, and you can do them on the pull-up bar just as you can while lying down. The difference here is gravity, because it makes it much more difficult to lift your extended legs.

So if you can't lift your closed legs cleanly, you should lift your knees instead.

Both variations of this exercise primarily target the lower abs.
Klimmzugstange GLADIATOR von Barbarian Line
Toes to Bar

- This exercise is a twisted jackknife, which is as strenuous on the muscles as it is on the flexibility. So if you can't quite reach the bar with your toes or instep, don't despair - you need momentum, body tension and stretch for this exercise.

Because your legs will keep moving, you'll also engage your upper abs and even your lower back. You'll need to use your lower back to stop the momentum of your legs just below the bar and avoid getting into a hollow back.

Full Circles and Windshield Wipers

- These abdominal exercises for the pull-up bar are only recommended for advanced users, because they are very demanding when performed correctly. You alternately bring your extended legs clockwise and counterclockwise in front of your body in a full circle, which also engages the lateral abdominal muscles.

If that's not challenging enough, tilt your torso back 90 degrees and sweep your extended legs back and forth like windshield wiper blades. Just keeping the position parallel to the floor is challenging enough to be its own exercise.

The 5 best exercises for the upper abs

A six pack needs more than just abs

Even if you do all these ab exercises for the pull-up bar several times a week, that alone is not a guarantee for a six-pack. That's because it also requires a low body fat percentage , and your best bet for that is well-developed muscles that increase your basal metabolic rate. But the pull-up bar is also perfect for this.

Find the right pull-up bar now at an unbeatable price!

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Editorial fitnessmarkt.de (EA)

Image credit: #116955276 Prostock-studio / stock.adobe.com

Published on: 30 November 2019

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