Buy or sell new or used ultrasound machines for ultrasonic therapy
Ultrasound therapy which is also called ultrasonic therapy is a type of thermotherapy and next to electrotherapy one of the most popular treatments in physiotherapy. New or used ultrasound machines are often used to ease pain and activate the self-healing process of the body through ultrasonic treatment. The frequency range of the ultrasonic treatment is between 0.8 and 3 MHz. There are two kinds of treatment: using continuous ultrasound or impulse ultrasound. This method should not get mixed up with the ultrasonic testing of organs through a doctor. It is used as a kind of heat treatment to ease pain.
How does ultrasound therapy work?
At first a special contact gel is applied on the part which has to be treated to conduct the sound waves of the new or used ultrasound device. Afterwards the transducer is lead over the treated point. An optimal sound transfer is possible only because of the contact gel. The ultrasonic therapy generates warmth inside the body. The waves emitted from the new or used ultrasound device permeate every layer of skin, fat tissue, subcutaneous tissue and muscles of the treated part of the body and are not perceptible by the human ear. This kind of treatment supports blood circulation, relaxes muscles, improves regenerative capacity and eases pain on muscles or joints. The strongest warming can be found on the edges of bones, because here the ultrasonic waves get reflected. It is a kind of heat therapy, but the heat is generated on the inside of the body. Because of the high creation of heat it is not recommended to use it on the face or in genital area. Usually the treatment with a new or used ultrasound therapy equipment takes 5 to 10 minutes, depending on the place the patient sits or lies during the treatment. As this method has nearly no side effects, it can be used on all patients.
Buy new or used ultrasound therapy equipment
If you want to use ultrasonic therapy for yourself or another person, you can also buy new or used ultrasound therapy equipment for your home. Before using the new or used equipment you should get advised from an expert.
Sell new or used ultrasound therapy equipment
Do you want to sell a new or used ultrasonic machine? Then just insert your ultrasonic machine for sale on in a few steps. It is recommendable to write a detailed information on your article and ideally upload one or more pictures of the new or used ultrasound therapy equipment so the prospective buyer has all information just at a glance.