Buy and sell other new and used training equipment

Next to the classic strength training machines for arms, legs, abdominal, chest and back, power stations, weight benches or cardio equipment like treadmills, ergometers, crosstrainers, steppers and rowing machines there is some other new and used training equipment which can’t easily be assigned to one category.
New or used trampolines
Trampolines are not only a funny leisure-time activity for children, but are also popular as fitness training among adults. Training on a trampoline strains back muscles and stimulates fat-burning enzymes in the body. Furthermore, scientists found that the change of gravity and weightlessness improves the cooperation of the two halves of the brain and endorphins are released what causes positive feelings and fights depressions.
New or used climbing walls
In some gyms you can even find climbing walls. Climbing has a positive effect on the back, because the stretching movements can ease strains. As climbing is not without danger, beginners should always climb under the charge of an expert.
Buy new or used training equipment
If you don’t have enough time to go to a gym but don’t want to miss training, it is a good alternative to buy new or used training equipment for your home. In any case you should get advised by an expert before using new training equipment to avoid injuries. Buying new or used training equipment for your home can be an advantage because you no longer depend on opening hours of a gym, but can exercise early in the morning or late at night after work without leaving the house. In this category on you can find a wide range of new and used training equipment which can’t be assigned to another category.
Sell new or used training equipment
If you want to sell training equipment you can easily insert it on It is important to give a detailed information of the article and upload some pictures, so the prospective buyer has all information just at a glance.