Buy and sell professional new or used functional training equipment

95 Ads for Functional Training Equipment
Brand: gym80
Price: Price negotiable €4,200.84
Nürnberg, Germany
Precor Queenax Tower
Precor Queenax Tower
Brand: Queenax
Price: Price negotiable €1,200.00
Heide, Germany
NPG Functional Station C1 -NEW
NPG Functional Station C1 -NEW
Brand: NPG
Price: €11,190.00
Bielsko-Biała, Poland
CULTGYM OUTstanding OUTDOOR Plate loaded - tire flip -
Velten, Germany
HOLD STRONG Fitness Custom Rig with various accessories
Wuppertal, Germany
NPG X-LINE All Tarran Push Sled
NPG X-LINE All Tarran Push Sled
Brand: NPG
Price: €1,500.00
Bielsko-Biała, Poland
Brand: extrafit
Price: €1,500.00
Sachsenheim, Germany
ATX® Interval Timer - Large
ATX® Interval Timer - Large
Brand: ATX
Price: €200.84
Nürnberg, Germany
ATX® magnetic interval timer - Mini
ATX® magnetic interval timer - Mini
Brand: ATX
Price: €66.39
Nürnberg, Germany
ATX® Turtle Pad
ATX® Turtle Pad
Brand: ATX
Price: €108.40
Nürnberg, Germany
Something to sell in this category? List now and you can reach the correct target groups!

Functional training is a new sports trend which is close to athletic training. Its main aim is to reduce the risk of injuring, therefore the athletes are being trained in different disciplines: endurance, strength, flexibility, speed, ability, balance, coordination and precision. The exercises are supported by using several functional training equipment. Next to kettlebells, wall bars, TRX suspension trainers and many other fitness articles are possible. The most popular kind workout is the so called crossfit.

How does functional training work?

It is a kind of workout that stabilizes the whole body and supports not only muscles, but also strains and joints which increases the body’s flexibility. This training normally is done in a group of athletes with a professional trainer and uses for example TRX suspension, wall bars or kettlebells.

Buy and sell new and used functional training equipment on

If you want to buy new or used functional training equipment, you can find a large range of suitable articles for this kind of workout. Not only private persons, but also manufacturer, retailer, gym owner and therapists are selling their new and used functional training equipment here. Due to the large number of available products, the right fitness equipment for every kind of training can be found.

Manufacturers and retailers can sell new or used functional training equipment on, but also can owners of a gym or practice and private persons. On you will find the suitable target group for your equipment in any case.

Tips for creating an ad for new or used functional training equipment:

To make your new or used functional training equipment more attractive for potential customers, it is recommendable to add pictures of the offered articles to the ad. Furthermore, an interesting and detailed description of the new or used fitness articles creates more acceptance for your ad. If you offer additional options like free shipping, you should also mention it.

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