Buy and sell new and used crossovers

12 Ads for Cable Cross / Crossover
Dynamed Crossover, height-adjustable, free-standing, 55kg, gallows, silver, used, 2 pieces available
Kaphingst cable pull with gallows for lat pulldown, height-adjustable, 65kg weight stack
Something to sell in this category? List now and you can reach the correct target groups!

A crossover which is also called cable cross station is a strength training equipment which is perfectly suitable for whole body training. This machine doesn’t only strain the chest but also shoulders, back, forearms, abdominal, legs, biceps and triceps. A crossover often also contains additional grips, loops, lat and chinning equipment.

Buy new or used crossovers

If you don’t have enough time to go to a gym but don’t want to miss power training, it is a good alternative to buy a new or used training machine for your home. In any case you should get advised by an expert about exercises, body posture and ideal weight before using new fitness equipment to avoid injuries. Buying a new or used crossover for your home can be an advantage because you no longer depend on opening hours of a gym, but can exercise early in the morning or late at night after work without leaving the house. However, it is always necessary to warm up and stretch your body before training on a new or used crossover.

Sell new or used crossovers

Are you closing down a gym and want to sell the used crossovers? On you have the opportunity to insert fitness equipment like new or used crossovers. A detailed description as well as some pictures of the new or used machine are recommendable so the prospective buyer has the most important information just at a glance.

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