A gluteus machine is designed to help train and strengthen the muscles of the legs and buttocks. Since the buttocks are especially trained, the gluteus machine is very popular among women, because they are the ones who want to fulfill the dream of a crisp buttocks.
The training on the gluteus machine itself is very efficient, because already after a relatively short time visible results are noticed. The training is usually done sitting or lying down.
Before training with the gluteus machine, a fitness trainer should be asked in any case about the right exercises and it is also better in the first time to do these exercises only under supervision. The trainer together with the user will first choose the right weights, these are marked out by means of a pin.
Training on the gluteus machine begins
If training on the gluteus machine is to begin, the knee pad must be placed in the correct position, this is done by sitting on it. The positioning should be done in such a way that one can comfortably lie with the upper body on the long lying surface. The pelvis must also be in an optimal position so that the thighs form a right angle when lying sideways.
A gluteus machine is used primarily to exercise the large gluteal muscles, the small gluteal muscles and the anterior thigh muscles. If you don't want to join a fitness club, you can of course buy a gluteus machine for your home. There are a number of suppliers on the Internet who offer new as well as used machines.
What to look for in a gluteus machine
The gluteus machine should allow efficient training of the gluteus muscles, so that this is possible, attention should be paid to a few things, this applies to a new device as well as a used one.
The base of the gluteus machine as well as the training bars should be quick, easy and also continuously adjustable, this is best achieved if the device is equipped with a gas pressure damper. The handles should either be made of anti-slip rubber or have soft covers, comfortable arm rests and thigh pads also characterize a good gluteus machine, they also ensure a good and safe stand during the entire workout.
Of course, the appearance also plays a role in a piece of sports equipment, some of the machines are therefore equipped with integrated protective bars. A smooth as well as flowing motion should be guaranteed and for this stability is required, this is made possible with a large base platform.
The settings of the glutaeus machine
The seat should be height adjustable and in some models it only needs to be lifted to release the lever. With the handles, it is further important to ensure that they are equipped with end flaps, otherwise a safety risk lurks here.
The frame should be made of electrically welded steel tubes, as should be the movement arms. It is advantageous if the surface is powder coated, this ensures extreme durability of the glutaeus machine.
The upholstery should be of good quality, the fabric must be not only breathable but also fire retardant. Smooth bearing movement is possible with fiberglass-reinforced nylon rollers, they also provide a secure cable fit. The ball bearings must also be able to withstand something, which is why bearings from the automotive industry are used in many cases.
For such an expensive machine as the Glutaeus machine, a water bottle holder and a towel holder must of course be included. The machine must also be easy to clean, one must be able to reach all important places easily and there should not be a risk of injury.
Slip resistance is a major shortcoming with many power sports equipment, with a Glutaeusmaschine is therefore to make sure that it has rubber feet.
If a Glutaeusmaschine is to be purchased on the Internet, one must be prepared for an amount over 1000 euros, with a specialist dealer, the machines are still a little more expensive, but in the majority already with the shipping costs. Whichever Glutaeus machine you choose, the only important thing is safety, so always look for the TÜV seal.
Find now your suitable Glutaeusmaschine at an unbeatable price!
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Editors fitnessmarkt.de (EA)
Picture credits: #200220742 Odua-Images AdobeStock
Published on: 5 February 2015