McFIT Global Group | THE MIRAI, a unique fitness experience, combines fitness, experience, innovation, technology, research and education in an unprecedented way in a synthesis of consumer and business worlds. This will happen on an area of more than 50,000 m² by the end of 2019, in one of Europe's largest metropolitan areas, Oberhausen.
The vision is that fitness will be accessible to everyone - regardless of origin, age or income. That's why there are no monthly membership fees: THE MIRAI is non-contributory for those who train.
"The idea of creating the gym for everyone has existed at McFIT for over 20 years. THE MIRAI makes this vision a reality: By bringing industry and people directly together, everyone is offered the opportunity to do fitness without membership fees. This makes THE MIRAI unique and forward-looking," explains Rainer Schaller, CEO and founder of the McFIT Global Group.
Ralph Scholz, Managing Director of THE MIRAI, says of the concept: "THE MIRAI is unique in the fitness industry and will completely reshape the future. Here, for the first time, we are bringing people, industry and business together in a lively way and fundamentally redefining the experience of exercise. We will build the largest gym in the world, tuition-free for all exercisers, and lead the way for the entire industry."
THE MIRAI will be a place of inspiration, creativity and motivation. Thanks to its direct practical relevance, THE MIRAI has ideal conditions for a research and training center where experts can find answers on the topic of the "future of fitness sports".
THE MIRAI also offers a first-class environment for congresses, conferences and events. There is great economic potential for companies to present new fitness equipment and products throughout the year, to enter into cooperative ventures, to exploit synergies, to engage in creative exchanges with other suppliers, and to tap into new target groups. The goal is to build an interdisciplinary and interactive network between companies and exercisers, according to a release.
Source: body LIFE
Published on: 31 August 2017