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GFKL Group acquires intratech GmbH:
F&G insider interview with the managing directors Walter Süß and Frank Haße

We recently received information that the GFKL Group, whose subsidiaries include Inkasso Becker Wuppertal GmbH & Co. KG, has acquired a majority shareholding in the software provider intratech GmbH. Walter Süß, Managing Director of GFKL Inkasso Becker, invited us to an exclusive insider interview at the company headquarters in Essen to inform us and our readers together with Frank Haße, Managing Director of intratech GmbH, about the reasons for and objectives of the investment as well as the first major joint success: the new customer Pfitzenmeier.

F&G: First of all, congratulations to everyone involved in this merger. Why did the GFKL Group acquire a stake in intratech GmbH?

Walter Süß: Although GFKL Inkasso Becker is already one of the leading financial service providers in the fitness and health sector, we are looking for professional partners with whom we can achieve more together. The future belongs to software-based solutions, also in the financial services sector.
For this reason, we are certain that we have gained a strong partner in intratech GmbH, with whom we can place innovative products in the sector and inspire many new customers. Together, we can now provide our customers with a complete package: from software-based access control to the management of operational processes and vending machines (cashless studio) through to complete membership administration and receivables management.

F&G: Why did you decide to sell shares in your company in the first place?

Frank Haße: intratech GmbH has developed very positively in recent years and achieved the best result in the company's history in 2013. From this position of strength, we were looking for a partner with whom we could develop new products and achieve healthy growth for our company through synergy effects.

F&G: Do you see the resulting growth more in the debt collection business or in the further expansion of the software business?

Walter Süß: With the investment, we will become a holistic solution provider for administration and billing systems. Software and office management will play a significant role in this. The products will therefore be expanded accordingly in order to inspire customers at all levels.

F&G: The first joint success of GFKL Inkasso Becker and GFKL intratech was not long in coming, right?

Walter Süß: We are very pleased that we were able to convince the Pfitzenmeier Group, a major player in the industry, with our new, broadened product range after only a short time.

F&G: What will change in the management of intratech GmbH?

Walter Süß: In future, Frank and I will act jointly as Managing Directors of intratech GmbH, whereby Frank will definitely continue to be the contact person for operational issues and programming questions. With his many years of experience and his great expertise, he is the one in charge of these matters. In particular, I will manage GFKL intratech as commercial director.
If customers are interested in both software solutions and financial services, we will make joint appointments there.

F&G: What will change for customers in terms of support?

Walter Süß: We can only achieve our growth targets if we have satisfied customers. We will therefore continue to work on improving our customer service and further professionalize it. Thanks to the proximity of GFKL Inkasso Becker and GFKL intratech to each other, we will be able to offer all-round carefree support in the future.

F&G: What goals has the "duo" intratech/GFKL Inkasso Becker set itself for the next two to three years?

Walter Süß: Together, we want to become the number one provider of solutions that enable studio operators to concentrate on their core business cost-effectively and efficiently. We will constantly scrutinize the degree of innovation of our solutions in order to be able to offer the best possible service.

F&G: Mr. Haße, you define intratech GmbH as a solution provider for billing systems. Isn't that a bit short? Don't you offer any tools that make training management easier or provide marketing support, for example?

Frank Haße: Of course we offer our customers the whole range of software tools that are necessary for the optimal operation of fitness and health studios. But of course we have been working with financial service providers for years, as we know how important it is to ensure the clubs' turnover and liquidity.

F&G: Are the software products you develop developed in a "quiet chamber" or do you actively involve your customers?

Frank Haße: Many of our products have been developed together with operators and therefore have the highest possible practical relevance. Let others do the theorizing!

F&G: You also just said that you offer an open system with your products. What do you mean by this and how does this differentiate you from other software providers?

Frank Haße: We allow interfaces to as many systems as possible and exclude nothing. This means, among other things, that studio operators do not necessarily have to work with our existing partner, but a high degree of flexibility is guaranteed.

F&G: Are your products suitable for all studio sizes or do you only operate in a specific segment?

Frank Haße: We always want to offer our customers the best possible solution for their studio. There are cases where the requirements are very specific and cannot be completely covered by our services, or where this would involve a lot of effort for both parties. It is important for us to discuss this openly with interested parties - because our aim is to have satisfied customers, not customers at any price.
However, we can generally offer a proper software package for every studio size that is tailored to the respective studio and offers an optimal solution.

F&G: Will only GFKL Inkasso Becker customers be able to purchase your software products in future?

Frank Haße: Any studio operator can purchase our products. We do not exclude anyone, that would not fit in with the GFKL Group's corporate philosophy.

F&G: What mutual benefits do you offer your customers?

Walter Süß: Above all, we will optimize joint processes and interfaces in order to be able to offer a higher quality of service. We are also looking to expand our product range: For example, interesting risk management solutions for other sectors are already available within the GFKL Group, which we would now like to transfer to the fitness segment.

F&G: In your opinion, in which direction will the topic of software for fitness studios and exercisers develop in the next four to five years?

Frank Haße: Solutions that support people during training and help club owners to retain members and thus reduce the "drop-out rate" will become increasingly important.
Training documentation is also playing an increasingly important role in order to keep up with the 2nd health market.

F&G: In your opinion, to what extent will cloud solutions or health apps, e.g. from Google, Apple or other similar systems, play a role in the B2B fitness & health industry in the future?

Frank Haße: The previous question already partly contains the answer to this question. The solutions mentioned above will certainly be cloud-based in the future and there will be programs or user interfaces that bundle the data from several software solutions and output it in a way that is (hopefully) optimal for the user.

F&G: Dear Walter, dear Mr. Haße, thank you for the interesting interview!

Source: F&G

Published on: 5 September 2014

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