After a stroke, rehabilitative fitness training can help improve mobility and serve to increase resilience by improving overall physical fitness. The positive effects of cardiovascular training after stroke are well studied; researchers from the Cochrane Collaboration evaluated the results of 28 studies on this topic only. Mehrholz et al, on the other hand, investigated the effects of strength training and task-specific exercises in the course of rehabilitation after a stroke. We have summarized the results of the study for you here.
Study design
The study participants were randomly divided into two groups. The first group first completed a 10-week strength training program with 3 training sessions per week and then a functional training program also with 3 training sessions per week. The second group first completed the 10-week functional training program and then the strength training program. All study participants received the same therapy only in different temporal order. The focus of the study here was on the upper extremities and was intended to represent the rehabilitation of the function of the shoulders and arms .
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Both groups achieved excellent results over the duration of the study, and the benefits of both strength-based and task-based exercise are clearly evident. However, the results of the study show that study participants from the second group were able to achieve the functional goals using compensatory mechanisms , while the first group, which first completed strength training and only then trained task-specific exercises, achieved equally good results without having to physically resort to compensatory mechanisms.
Combinations of cardio and strength training most effective
Scientists from the Cochrane Collaboration also investigated the effect of combinations of cardio training through running exercises, strength training and functional training. Patients who completed only running training improved their physical performance and walking ability, while patients who completed a combination of cardio and strength training additionally positively influenced their sense of balance . The researchers did not observe any effects on cognitive processes. The fitness training had no physical side effects, and an increased risk of injury due to the training could not be observed. Therefore, fitness training is recommended in the rehabilitation of stroke patients.
For rehabilitation after stroke, patients should perform combined fitness training. In addition to cardio training, strength training should be performed first during rehab, followed by task-specific exercise. In this way, stroke patients achieve very good results on their way back to life.
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Published on: 7 August 2019