Rowing machines also for beginners - what beginners should look out for

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A rowing machine is not only one of the best training devices for a varied warm up, but is also a great stand-alone training device. A rowing machine for beginners has to be as robust and stable as a rowing machine for advanced users in order to provide you with the perfect workout. In this guide, we'll show you exactly what's important and how you can get strong latissimus and well-trained biceps even as a beginner.

Rudergerät für Anfänger

A rowing machine for beginners - what it must be able to do

Basically, you should know that you should not be too frugal when buying a rowing machine for beginners. Especially small and lightweight machines advertise that they are perfect for beginners, but this is only part of the truth. In fact, you won't be able to use these machines soon because they can't keep up with your increasing strength.

Many of these rowing machines also specifically target women, which is of course another marketing ploy. In fact, these rowing machines are simply smaller, even as a woman you can easily train on a professional rower.

You should also spend around 300 euros on a rowing machine for home use, even if you only use it for a few warm-up exercises.

The biggest differences between the different price ranges are most likely to be found in the flywheel mass. For entry-level machines, this usually works exclusively with a magnetic braking system. Devices for advanced users additionally brake with air resistance.

Especially as a beginner, it can be worthwhile to spend a little more money and choose a rowing machine with a training computer or with a connectable app. After all, if you have a constant check on your progress and can diversify your workout a bit, you'll probably stick with it longer. Heart rate measurement with a chest strap is also ideal for beginners, because it allows you to keep an eye on your performance. In addition, you will quickly notice that the rowing machine in particular will rapidly increase your heart rate.

How to train correctly with the rowing machine?

A question of the system

Some rowing machines also work exclusively with air resistance or even water resistance - this is actually an ideal rowing machine for beginners, because the harder you pull, the more you have to pull. You're effectively working against yourself. Less ideal, however, is the price of such devices, because here you quickly move in the four-digit range.

You should therefore find an upscale mid-range rowing machine for beginners that can grow with your needs. Too cheap beginner machines will probably not be able to offer you enough after a few weeks.

Find your right rowing machine at an unbeatable price now on the central shopping platform for the fitness industry!

Find a rowing machine now

Editors (EA)

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Published on: 13 January 2020

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