During the summer break, VfL Bochum not only strengthened its squad, but also further optimized its training facilities. The professionals and the young talents of the Talentwerk now have access to a fle-xx Circle in the club's own gym. Athletics coach Jörn Menger explains exactly what this is all about.
The new exercise circle in the VfL weight room consists of a total of eight pieces of equipment on which nine different exercises can be performed. "The fle-xx Circle exercises are designed to work on two areas: On the one hand, the mobility of footballers is to be improved or restored after injuries. On the other hand muscle strength and, ideally, to increase muscle length. The exercises are particularly designed to counteract shortening of the anterior chain and, if shortening has occurred due to injury, to stimulate lengthening," says VfL athletics coach Jörn Menger, describing the functions of the new exercises.
The program developed by fle.xx Rückgratkonzept GmbH from Neu-Ulm has excellent applications, particularly in football-specific motor skills. "The left- or right-footedness of footballers results in a very special chain shift. The kicking leg is usually much more pronounced than the supporting leg. This usually results in a muscular imbalance in professionals. The aim is to achieve a balanced level of mobility in both the kicking leg and the supporting leg through targeted training," says Menger, explaining the training goals with the new fitness equipment. The VfL professionals currently complete the course three times a week, each time after a previous training session.
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Source: VfL Bochum VfL Bochum
Published on: 3 July 2017