Health-oriented training directly in the practice with the VITALITY CIRCUIT from ERGO-FIT

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Doctors often have no choice but to recommend that the patient go to a fitness facility and hope that the patient will accept the advice. Rarely does one have closer contact afterwards and can closely observe the development in training. This is different with the VITALITY CIRCUIT from ERGO-FIT. This fitness circuit, specially designed for health-oriented training, is the ideal partner in the practice. A floor space of only 50 square meters is sufficient and the practice is transformed into a health studio. The basis of trust with the patient is thus further improved and the latter has the opportunity to overcome illnesses and physical complaints on the most modern training equipment.

Simple training with great effect

The VITALITY CIRCUIT is controlled by a chip card system. The cardio and strength equipment with medical approval adapts to the individual patient and makes it possible to create individual training plans and intensify care. The ease of use of the equipment allows for touch screen operation. No manual seat adjustments or inaccurate weight plates, the personalized settings allow for a whole new training experience that everyone can quickly find their way around. This also has the effect of eliminating the need for a trainer to be on the workout floor at all times. The ease of use eliminates the need for additional staff to help set up the equipment. Individual support is therefore greater, but the effort involved is less. If desired, the individual training devices can be networked with each other, so that even if several people are training at the same time, they do not lose track of each other.

Which muscles are trained with a medical training circuit?

The VITALITY CIRCUIT in a package

The cost calculation is simplified with the complete package of the VITALITY CIRCUIT. The circuit includes chip-card controlled cardio and strength training equipment, software and PC packages and other important components. Among other things, 50 chip cards and an extensive advertising and concept package, as well as 2 years of software support.


The VITALITY CIRCUIT from ERGO-FIT not only increases the health competence of the practice, but also improves the relationship between patient and doctor. The more intensive support for overcoming physical complaints, increases the basis of trust and helps the patient to get rid of the ailments more quickly. The VITALITY CIRCUIT is therefore the perfect complement for the practice and a health-oriented training.

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Editorial (NJ)

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Published on: 14 July 2019

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