for me do cooperates with Bodystreet

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MetaCheck fitnessThe for me do GmbH, provider in the field of medical fitness (for example body analysis equipment), will cooperate with the EMS chain Bodystreet in the future. cooperate. Bodystreet is thus the only provider of EMS training in Germany and Austria to offer the for me do MetaCheck fitness offers.

In an interview with fitness MANAGEMENT international, Bodystreet founders Emma and Matthias Lehner explained why they chose for me do as their cooperation partner. Bodystreet was looking for a partner with a scientifically based and innovative concept. Also the daily processes in the Bodystreet studios should not be hindered by the new concept. Bodystreet also wanted a partner who was established in the market and had sufficient resources to apply the concept to a large and well-known provider like Bodystreet, which has many locations. All Bodystreet employees have already been trained by the for me do team to properly explain the test and the results.

The MetaCheck fitness from for me do makes it possible to create a training and nutrition plan that is precisely tailored to the genetic data of the customer. Now also in your Bodystreet studio!

You can find more information about training with electrical muscle stimulation and a studio directly in your area on


Published on: 18 July 2016

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