Prone Leg Curl Premium Machine

€2,392.95 incl. 0% VAT


ID 239411
Category Leg Curl
Shipping: Shipping costs extra
Brand DHZ Fitness
Condition Exhibition unit
Location Żołędowo, Poland
Year of manufacture unknown


Prone Leg Curl, a premium piece of equipment with a plug-in weight for exercising the thigh muscles and hamstrings while lying down, DHZ Fitness Evost II for the commercial gym. The angled hip and chest support minimizes pressure on the back and ensures correct posture during the Prone Leg Curl exercise.

The curve matches the body's natural strength curve at full range of motion.

The pin allows for one-handed resistance adjustment. Contoured padding provides a comfortable workout for users of all sizes.

Size in cm (L x W x H): 180 x 97 x 150

Weight stack (kg): standard 94 

Weight (kg): standard 205 

No signs of use!

The machine can be repainted and reupholstered for an additional charge.